Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Optimus Prime
Niiiiice! Really nice! I found this from TechBlog. More than meets the eye!
Tags: Transformers, Optimus_Prime, animation
Tags: Transformers, Optimus_Prime, animation
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Trapped in a BMW driving at 130mph
No sure if this is a piece of news anymore, but I read this article that a man was trapped in his BMW travelling at 130mph because the accelerator of his car was jammed.
He travelled 60 miles in 29 minutes...What an experience!
Tags: BMW
He travelled 60 miles in 29 minutes...What an experience!
Tags: BMW
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
What's HOT in the last 2 weeks?
I lost my touch to the news while I was in Taiwan for two weeks. Yes, the hotel was nice, and I got Internet connections - I just didn't have time.
So...what's hot and what happened in the last a few days? I checked around and found out the following:
1. Microsoft is delaying their Windows Vista release schedule to early January 2007 - I'm not surprised.
2. LG just launched their new SD910 with two sliding layers...Isn't it too complicated? Well, the phone looks nice all right. I want to make a note that both the previous version of CYON SV590 and the current new SD910 use Cypress' PSoC to control the capacitive sensing buttons that are used to play music. Cool stuff! But I wouldn't buy one for myself - Too complicate and too expensive.
3. Ha! The be-loved Apple Nano Cell Phone! I've seen this idea about three months ago. And it's getting more and more official everyday...Who knows, Jobs may not need Motorola anymore - throw out the airtime and make money from iTune!
4. Ok, how about some strange USB devices from TechEBlog:
I have no idea what they are and what they are used for. But how cares!
5. Finally, Dell is buying Alienware. Say what?!
"Dell is buying Alienware"...I don't know what this mean, but I know Alienware's management will make a lot of money.
6. Jordan, I mean Michael Jordan, recently bought a Cadillac XLR as his FIRST American Car. Did you see the word "FIRST"? I mean after buying 40 personal collections, Jordan finally bought his 41st car made in America. Now you know why more people are buying foreign cars these days - that's because there isn't any good American car.
Ok...I think that's all I found out in the last 30 mins...It's time to watch Sopranos that I missed for two weeks...
Tags: Vista, SV590, SD910, PSoC, Apple, Nano, cellphone, USB, Dell, Alienware, Jordan, Cadillac, XLR, Soprano
So...what's hot and what happened in the last a few days? I checked around and found out the following:
1. Microsoft is delaying their Windows Vista release schedule to early January 2007 - I'm not surprised.
2. LG just launched their new SD910 with two sliding layers...Isn't it too complicated? Well, the phone looks nice all right. I want to make a note that both the previous version of CYON SV590 and the current new SD910 use Cypress' PSoC to control the capacitive sensing buttons that are used to play music. Cool stuff! But I wouldn't buy one for myself - Too complicate and too expensive.
3. Ha! The be-loved Apple Nano Cell Phone! I've seen this idea about three months ago. And it's getting more and more official everyday...Who knows, Jobs may not need Motorola anymore - throw out the airtime and make money from iTune!
4. Ok, how about some strange USB devices from TechEBlog:
I have no idea what they are and what they are used for. But how cares!
5. Finally, Dell is buying Alienware. Say what?!
"Dell is buying Alienware"...I don't know what this mean, but I know Alienware's management will make a lot of money.
6. Jordan, I mean Michael Jordan, recently bought a Cadillac XLR as his FIRST American Car. Did you see the word "FIRST"? I mean after buying 40 personal collections, Jordan finally bought his 41st car made in America. Now you know why more people are buying foreign cars these days - that's because there isn't any good American car.
Ok...I think that's all I found out in the last 30 mins...It's time to watch Sopranos that I missed for two weeks...
Tags: Vista, SV590, SD910, PSoC, Apple, Nano, cellphone, USB, Dell, Alienware, Jordan, Cadillac, XLR, Soprano
是好久没有更新我的博客了吧。。。前两周去了台湾,精疲力尽。 回来之后第一天上班公司的同事就把我叫去帮忙,又要把两周积留下来的事情办完,还要写报告。。。哎,这两天都是晚上一两点才睡,更不用说旅途的疲劳了。。。 俩儿字儿。。。累! (不对啊, 好象只有一个字吗….)
时差还没有倒过来,可能是去的时间有些长。 前两次去台湾都是只一周而已。 本来这次还想和同事去Puket Island开会,多亏我忍住贪欲没有积极参加, 否则一定会被累死的! 好象每多去一次台湾,回来后都觉得比上次回来更累。 不知道是对台湾产生了审美疲劳,还是自己老得太快,体力不支。
对公差而言,一般人们的看法就是赞同或反对。出门在外,去一个地方顺便玩一下是不错的, 但也确实很劳累,尤其是要以完成自己的工作为主,娱乐为副的原则。 所以时间上会很紧。在台湾渡周末的时候本来王力宏在台北巨蛋有个演唱会,我也懒得没有去看, 躲在酒店里睡觉,办公事。 星期天的时候倒是和同事去采草莓 ? 呵呵,听起来好象有点幼稚, 不过还好。 台北周围的地方我都玩得差不多了。 体验一下人文文化吧, 否则闲着也是闲着。。。恩,好象又想吃毫大大鸡排了。
Tags: Taiwan
时差还没有倒过来,可能是去的时间有些长。 前两次去台湾都是只一周而已。 本来这次还想和同事去Puket Island开会,多亏我忍住贪欲没有积极参加, 否则一定会被累死的! 好象每多去一次台湾,回来后都觉得比上次回来更累。 不知道是对台湾产生了审美疲劳,还是自己老得太快,体力不支。
对公差而言,一般人们的看法就是赞同或反对。出门在外,去一个地方顺便玩一下是不错的, 但也确实很劳累,尤其是要以完成自己的工作为主,娱乐为副的原则。 所以时间上会很紧。在台湾渡周末的时候本来王力宏在台北巨蛋有个演唱会,我也懒得没有去看, 躲在酒店里睡觉,办公事。 星期天的时候倒是和同事去采草莓 ? 呵呵,听起来好象有点幼稚, 不过还好。 台北周围的地方我都玩得差不多了。 体验一下人文文化吧, 否则闲着也是闲着。。。恩,好象又想吃毫大大鸡排了。
Tags: Taiwan
Friday, March 03, 2006
Design Ideas for Apple
This Flickr Album has lots of design ideas for this one, a "true" Nano that is so small, that people need a electronic microscope to see it:
Tags: Nano, Apple, ideas
Tags: Nano, Apple, ideas
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Smash million dollar Ferrari into CRAP - Reloaded
So the "million-dollar-Ferrari-crash" story is more complicated than it looked a few days ago...
Neverthless, I finally have a chance to find out how the pretty car ended up after it's sliced into half. Here is how it suppose to look like:
And here is how it looks like after the accident - pretty much like a person with organs all over the place...sad! Here are the pictures:
Neverthless, I finally have a chance to find out how the pretty car ended up after it's sliced into half. Here is how it suppose to look like:
And here is how it looks like after the accident - pretty much like a person with organs all over the place...sad! Here are the pictures:
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