My wife and I went to Las Vegas and Grand Canyon last week. It was a great trip and we had lots of fun. I just uploaded 30+ photos to my Flickr album.
I wish everyone Happy New Year and have a great 2007!!!
Tags: Las Vegas, Nevada, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Amazing Microsoft Word Glitch/Trick
Google Earth and Animal Photos
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
齐豫 - <<七点钟>>
第一次听这首歌是在上初中的时候. 那时候吉林广播电台有个叫"阿瑞"的女主持人, 我很喜欢听她的节目...当时的节目是介绍台湾作家三毛的. 这首歌的歌词是在三毛的一篇散文里, 描述她初恋的时候. 后来李宗盛(大哥)做曲成歌, 再加上齐豫的嗓音, 就成了一首经典的歌曲:
不能说一句话 拿起钢笔
点一个头 然后 狂奔而去守住电?
还是 害怕这是一场梦
是真 是幻 是梦 是真是幻是梦
我的车站 在你身旁
Tags: 齐豫, 七点钟, 歌词
不能说一句话 拿起钢笔
点一个头 然后 狂奔而去守住电?
还是 害怕这是一场梦
是真 是幻 是梦 是真是幻是梦
我的车站 在你身旁
Tags: 齐豫, 七点钟, 歌词
Monday, December 18, 2006
小夫妻 - 欧得洋/蔡淳佳
曲:方文良 | 词:Benny C. | 编:许恒瑞
女: 在 super market逛了好大一圈
想你爱咖哩或是义大利面 幸福的食谱再恶补几遍
男: 在下班路上租了几支影片
有你在沙发就是浪漫剧院 辛苦的时候想著你的脸
合: 喔 小夫妻 我的福气
这辈子可以让我爱上了你 这一路
男: 有时晴
女: 有时雨
合: 都没有关系
小夫妻 永不放弃 默契是最富有的一种储蓄
男: 你一句
女: 我一句
合: 也觉得甜蜜
多庆幸我们望著 同样明天 牵手在努力
男: 你今天玉米浓汤有一点咸
女: 你没送钻戒以後补我项?
男: 我的通通是你的没有期限
女: 存够钱我们逛地球一圈 我愿意
男: 这一生
女: 这一世
合: 呵护著你 一直到
男: 你当奶奶
合: 还是老夫老妻
Tags: 欧得洋, 蔡淳佳, 小夫妻, 歌词
女: 在 super market逛了好大一圈
想你爱咖哩或是义大利面 幸福的食谱再恶补几遍
男: 在下班路上租了几支影片
有你在沙发就是浪漫剧院 辛苦的时候想著你的脸
合: 喔 小夫妻 我的福气
这辈子可以让我爱上了你 这一路
男: 有时晴
女: 有时雨
合: 都没有关系
小夫妻 永不放弃 默契是最富有的一种储蓄
男: 你一句
女: 我一句
合: 也觉得甜蜜
多庆幸我们望著 同样明天 牵手在努力
男: 你今天玉米浓汤有一点咸
女: 你没送钻戒以後补我项?
男: 我的通通是你的没有期限
女: 存够钱我们逛地球一圈 我愿意
男: 这一生
女: 这一世
合: 呵护著你 一直到
男: 你当奶奶
合: 还是老夫老妻
Tags: 欧得洋, 蔡淳佳, 小夫妻, 歌词
Friday, December 15, 2006
(Top Gear's) Clarkson’s Ford GT
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Fix for Firefox's Memory Leak Bug
As much as I like Firefox over (the stupid) Internet Explorer, one Firefox's problem has been bugging me for sometime since I upgraded from ver1.x to ver1.5 and ver2.0. It seems that Firefox consumers a HUGE amount of the RAM memory overtime. It slows down my computer quite a bit since my laptop only has 768MB of RAM. =(
Frustrated as I was, I'd like to thank Google again for bringing me the link of a solution in seconds. This (Forever Geek) Blog posts an explanation of the Firefox issues (whether it is an official "memory leakage"), I just tried it and "hacked" my Firefox. Hopefully, the problem can go away, and I'd like my Firefox just like I enjoyed it before.
Tags: Firefox, Memory Leak, Bug, fix
Frustrated as I was, I'd like to thank Google again for bringing me the link of a solution in seconds. This (Forever Geek) Blog posts an explanation of the Firefox issues (whether it is an official "memory leakage"), I just tried it and "hacked" my Firefox. Hopefully, the problem can go away, and I'd like my Firefox just like I enjoyed it before.
Tags: Firefox, Memory Leak, Bug, fix
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Chinese to switch from DVD to EVD in 2008
The western are used to see big electronic gadget discounts at Best Buy or any other consumer stores as the Technologies become mature. Just think about the $39USD DVD players sold on Black Friday every year after Thanksgiving. This is achievable because in many cases, 2nd tier and 3rd tier electronic manufacturers catch up the technology and bring down the system cost through competition. The beneficiary is the consumer.
Remember the dates when a portable CD player was as heavy as a brick but cost >$200? Well, a no-name CD player sold in Wal-mart today is as cheap as $9.99, with 40-sec anti-skip and FM and MP3 support! By the way, does anyone still use a CD player anymore?!
So, what's the point? The point is ...those 2nd tier and 3rd tier players are mostly located in Asia with emphasis in Taiwan and China. They pay royalty fees to the 1st tier companies who patented the technology, and they fight on operating cost and system BOM to gain market share to survive. This is how a $200 CD player can become a $10 CD player and a $300 DVD player can become a $100 DVD Recorder. Also, the massive cheap labor in mainland China is supporting the evolution....But, not any more.
A Sony Blue-ray player is sold in Best Buy for $999.99 today. How long would it take for a no-name brand to bring down its cost and make the product widely available for the public at <$100USD? I think it will be much longer than what you think it will be. According to this article, 20 DVD manufacturing firms in China have signed an agreement to start manufacturing homegrown disc format called EVD. Not only so, the EVD will replace DVD (and future HD-DVD and Blue-ray) exclusively by 2008.
So the cheap Chinese are not so cheap any more. They're on their way to make own revolution. Too bad Sony and any other players in the market just lost their tickets into the Chinese market because their prices will not be competitive enough, and they will also have to license the technology from the Chinese firms, if they want to make EVD players. Without high volumes to absorb the R&D investment and technology spending for Blue-ray and/or HD-DVD, I'd expect to not owning a HD-DVD/Blue-ray player for much longer.....
Tags: Blue-ray, HD-DVD, EVD, News
Remember the dates when a portable CD player was as heavy as a brick but cost >$200? Well, a no-name CD player sold in Wal-mart today is as cheap as $9.99, with 40-sec anti-skip and FM and MP3 support! By the way, does anyone still use a CD player anymore?!
So, what's the point? The point is ...those 2nd tier and 3rd tier players are mostly located in Asia with emphasis in Taiwan and China. They pay royalty fees to the 1st tier companies who patented the technology, and they fight on operating cost and system BOM to gain market share to survive. This is how a $200 CD player can become a $10 CD player and a $300 DVD player can become a $100 DVD Recorder. Also, the massive cheap labor in mainland China is supporting the evolution....But, not any more.
A Sony Blue-ray player is sold in Best Buy for $999.99 today. How long would it take for a no-name brand to bring down its cost and make the product widely available for the public at <$100USD? I think it will be much longer than what you think it will be. According to this article, 20 DVD manufacturing firms in China have signed an agreement to start manufacturing homegrown disc format called EVD. Not only so, the EVD will replace DVD (and future HD-DVD and Blue-ray) exclusively by 2008.
"This "Red-ray" HD approach promises to support resolutions up to 1080p without a need to increase disc capacity significantly, and will allow them to launch with players at the same price as current DVD -only models."
So the cheap Chinese are not so cheap any more. They're on their way to make own revolution. Too bad Sony and any other players in the market just lost their tickets into the Chinese market because their prices will not be competitive enough, and they will also have to license the technology from the Chinese firms, if they want to make EVD players. Without high volumes to absorb the R&D investment and technology spending for Blue-ray and/or HD-DVD, I'd expect to not owning a HD-DVD/Blue-ray player for much longer.....
Tags: Blue-ray, HD-DVD, EVD, News
杨培安- 我相信
杨培安的嗓音很象已故艺人张雨生. 在<<综艺大哥大>>露脸的时候还试着用<<我的未来不是梦>>拔了拔嗓子. 我觉得是很有才华的一个人.
<<我相信>>是2006年台湾啤酒的广告主题曲. 在这里可以下载.
想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变
想做的梦 从不怕别人看见 在这里我都能实现
大声欢笑让你我肩并肩 何处不能欢乐无限
抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变
抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
Tags: 杨培安, 我相信, 歌词, 下载
<<我相信>>是2006年台湾啤酒的广告主题曲. 在这里可以下载.
想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变
想做的梦 从不怕别人看见 在这里我都能实现
大声欢笑让你我肩并肩 何处不能欢乐无限
抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
想飞上天 和太阳肩并肩 世界等着我去改变
抛开烦恼 勇敢的大步向前 我就站在舞台中间
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
我相信我就是我 我相信明天 我相信青春没有地平线
在日落的海边 在热闹的大街 都是我心中最美的乐园
我相信自由自在 我相信希望 我相信伸手就能碰到天
有你在我身边 让生活更新鲜 每一刻都精采万分
I do believe
Tags: 杨培安, 我相信, 歌词, 下载
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
One of the best BMW M5 commercial
I say this is one of the best BMW M5 commercial, ever. No words needed - suitable for international usage.
Tags: Video, BMW, M5, commericial
Tags: Video, BMW, M5, commericial
Monday, December 04, 2006
Xbox 360 and Gears of War
I bought a Xbox 360 last Friday evening due to a Micro Center deal.
I then bought "Gears of War", and there went my unproductive weekend as I did nothing but playing the game. Not just a game - it was an awesome game!
Speaking of the console though, Xbox 360 has much more noise than what I expected. It also generates more heat than what I thought. There are two fans at the back of the console, and I pretty much used it as a heater in the room. To prevent it from burning itself down, I had to buy a separate fan that blows cool air to the console to decrease the temperature and extends the unit's life span.
Comparatively, PS3 would be a better built system with integrated Bluetooth, WiFi, Card Reader and a giant heat sink that replaces the fans, not to mention the Blue-Ray disc drive that even a Blue-ray player costs ~$1000USD in today's market. Really want one, but damn it Sony is on allocation...
Tags: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Sony, PS3, Blue-Ray, Gears of War
I then bought "Gears of War", and there went my unproductive weekend as I did nothing but playing the game. Not just a game - it was an awesome game!
Speaking of the console though, Xbox 360 has much more noise than what I expected. It also generates more heat than what I thought. There are two fans at the back of the console, and I pretty much used it as a heater in the room. To prevent it from burning itself down, I had to buy a separate fan that blows cool air to the console to decrease the temperature and extends the unit's life span.
Comparatively, PS3 would be a better built system with integrated Bluetooth, WiFi, Card Reader and a giant heat sink that replaces the fans, not to mention the Blue-Ray disc drive that even a Blue-ray player costs ~$1000USD in today's market. Really want one, but damn it Sony is on allocation...
Tags: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Sony, PS3, Blue-Ray, Gears of War
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