在Gizmodo里看到这张照片, 赫然让我想起了赵本山多年前的一部小品《红高粱模特队》里的一句台词:
从美国出差去深圳甚至北京, 我都很少有亲切的感觉. 那些城市对我来说太陌生了, 太拥挤了, 太现代了, 也太冷漠了. 然而只有回到长春, 见到朋友和家人, 凭着模糊的记忆走在不太熟悉的马路上, 看到土红色的捷达出租车, 感受着东北的寒冷干燥和灰尘, 这一切才又深刻地提醒我自己是在这块土地上出生和长大的.
一个人一辈子是离不开出生地的. 即使很小的时候离开了自己出生的地方, 这个人的护照上也要显示是在哪里生的. 更何况我在长春度过了将近十七年. 时光把我塑造成了一个不可改变的长春人. 科学上说人的大脑会选择性地保留正面的回忆, 一个人走在街上, 即使在繁华却肮脏的地方也让我有亲切的感觉, 我想我用亲身体会证明了这项科研的结论是正确的.
从1997年到2009年, 我在海外漂泊快十二年了. 上次回来是近三年前的事情. 再次回到这里却忽然让我发现自己和长春离得太远了. 记忆中傲慢轻狂的我, 现在已经被老朋友笑称为“拘谨”了. 只有偶尔路过喧闹的路边商场, 听到破旧的喇叭里放出来的90年代流行歌曲, 才让我无奈地想起很多零碎的往事. 我很佩服有文采的人, 尤其是那些能把人生和自己心境表达得很明朗的人, 因为我觉得自己从来就没有办法用语言来尽兴地表达自己的感受. 心中的五味瓶, 酸甜苦辣咸, 每一个故事都有自己的味道, 每一幅画面都有自己的本色调. 好多年没有扒掉的旧楼, 旧街道都蕴藏着一些小故事, 让人触景生情.
去龙嘉机场的路上, 灰暗的天和零星的雨好象是刻意地去表达我的心情. 我感觉自己对故乡少了很多依赖. 每回来一次, 记忆就淡化一次, 是不是值得留恋的太少了, 无奈却太多了? 然而少年时的记忆永远是甜蜜的, 我舍不得, 用力地把它拽住, 锁在记忆力.
天黑了, 飞机也终于起飞了. 很快地爬入云层. 长春没有任何夜色可谈, 很快地从窗外和眼前的模糊中消失而去...
p.s. 人是会触景生情的. 我很佩服自己在长春坚持七天没上网. 可是见事而叹的感受却没有机会捕捉下来, 只好在旅程结束后简诉一下. 现在从长春到了北京, 确实感受到了差距. 东北的发展还是要比首都和沿海城市慢了. 我又回到了自己的生活圈, 也早已经盼望着回美国的归途....
Immigrants have historically provided one of America's greatest competitive advantages. They have come to the United States largely to work and have played a major role in the country's recent growth. Between 1990 and 2007, the proportion of immigrants in the U.S. labor force increased from 9.3 percent to 15.7 percent. Approximately 45 percent of the growth of the work force over this period consisted of immigrants. Moreover, a large and growing proportion of immigrants come with high levels of education and skill. They have contributed disproportionately in the most dynamic part of the U.S. economy - the high-tech sector. Immigrants have co-founded firms such as Google, Intel, eBay, and Yahoo. And immigrant inventors contributed to more than a quarter of U.S. global patent applications.
Since even before the 2008 financial and economic crisis, some observers have noted that a substantial number of highly skilled immigrants have started returning to their home countries, including persons from low-income countries like India and China who have historically tended to stay permanently in the United States. These returnees contributed to the tech boom in those countries and arguably spurred the growth of outsourcing of back-office processes as well as of research and development.
Who are these returnees? What motivated their decision to leave the United States? How have they fared since returning?
This paper attempts to answer these questions through a survey of 1,203 Indian and Chinese immigrants who had worked or received their education in the United States and returned to their home country.
We find that, though restrictive immigration policies caused some returnees to depart the United States, the most significant factors in the decision to return home were career opportunities, family ties, and quality of life.