Holiday Shut-Down is coming. I have no plan for travel, so I bought some "suppose to be good" books to read:
1. The World Is Flat
2. Made To Stick
3. How To Talk So People Listen
4. Negotiation Genius
Another book I'd recommend to others is Good To Great. (I read it).
As you probably can tell, these are non-technical books for working professional or managements. I don't really remember when was last time I picked up a book about circuit design. =)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas card took 93 years to arrive - Wow!
This is a piece of news from CNN - a Christmas card arrives 93 years late.
...A postcard featuring a color drawing of Santa Claus and a young girl was mailed in 1914, but its journey was slower than Christmas. It just arrived in northwest Kansas.
The Christmas card was dated December 23, 1914, and mailed to Ethel Martin of Oberlin, apparently from her cousins in Alma, Nebraska....
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Death Note - Best Anime Ever?
放假在家一口气看完剩下的<<死亡笔记>>. 虽然L的死让我觉得不奋, 但也更显得有情节的婉转性. 整个故事是不错的, 情节写得很有层次和逻辑性, 比大多数日本动画片里的打打杀杀更有趣味. 喜欢看悬念小说的人会喜欢...
在Google查了一下, 竟然发现有无聊的人做的假的死亡笔记的网页让人们互相诅咒 (网站就不便公布了). 世界上什么人都有, 所以做基拉的人也可以理解. 不过都活得很累, 而且没有好下场...
在Google查了一下, 竟然发现有无聊的人做的假的死亡笔记的网页让人们互相诅咒 (网站就不便公布了). 世界上什么人都有, 所以做基拉的人也可以理解. 不过都活得很累, 而且没有好下场...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Gizmodo - Man Drives From NY to LA in 31 hours and 7 minutes
A post from Gizmodo says a man (Alex Roy) drove from NY to Santa Monica, LA in 31 hours (The title says "4 minutes", but the video below actually says "7 minutes"). There were plenty of gadgets installed in the BMW M5 to avoid cops...
Law-breaking hero? Not sure. Impressive? I dig.
"The actual race happened a little over a year ago, but Alex couldn't tell anyone of his exploits until the statute of limitations was up in all states he drove through."
Law-breaking hero? Not sure. Impressive? I dig.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
昨天到台北, 去了中正纪念堂和忠烈祠. 这两个地方都带有很浓厚的国民党的政治色彩. 中正纪念堂是纪念蔣介石的, 而忠烈祠是纪念为国民党捐躯的33万将士 (包括内战时和共产党交战死去的人).
让我预料不到的是, 两个地方都有很多的日本游客. 不论共产党和国民党之间的政治纠纷如何, 毕竟在国民党的历史里, 日本也是一个侵华的民族. 在中正纪念堂时, 看到导游正在用日语讲解一副1931年9.18事变的照片. 我听不懂那个导演讲的什么, 但照片底下有日语翻译讲日军在当天挑衅的事情.
忠烈祠里每小时都有宪兵换岗. 他们威严的姿态, 也是在纪念那些为抗日而捐躯的灵魂.
在每一个地方, 我都好奇地在想那些日本人当时的心里在想什么. 他们是为了自己上几辈人的罪孽而感到羞耻, 还是激进地为自己祖上的"成就"而感到自豪. 日本人对中国人犯下的罪行,在华人的历史上写下了不可抹去的印痕. 但是看到那些游客的表情, 好象更多的新奇. 就像他们至身在科技博物馆, 看到的是奇妙的展示, 而不是中华民族的耻辱.
2007年9月18日就要到了. 几十年后的这一天, 又有多少华人会想起那个改变了历史的篇章?
让我预料不到的是, 两个地方都有很多的日本游客. 不论共产党和国民党之间的政治纠纷如何, 毕竟在国民党的历史里, 日本也是一个侵华的民族. 在中正纪念堂时, 看到导游正在用日语讲解一副1931年9.18事变的照片. 我听不懂那个导演讲的什么, 但照片底下有日语翻译讲日军在当天挑衅的事情.
忠烈祠里每小时都有宪兵换岗. 他们威严的姿态, 也是在纪念那些为抗日而捐躯的灵魂.
在每一个地方, 我都好奇地在想那些日本人当时的心里在想什么. 他们是为了自己上几辈人的罪孽而感到羞耻, 还是激进地为自己祖上的"成就"而感到自豪. 日本人对中国人犯下的罪行,在华人的历史上写下了不可抹去的印痕. 但是看到那些游客的表情, 好象更多的新奇. 就像他们至身在科技博物馆, 看到的是奇妙的展示, 而不是中华民族的耻辱.
2007年9月18日就要到了. 几十年后的这一天, 又有多少华人会想起那个改变了历史的篇章?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Schmap Sacramento
Schmap selected another photo from my Flickr album. I took this picture at Arco Arena in Sacramento.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
BioShock - a damn good game!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Two of my photos were used by Schmap!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
BMW F1 against BMW M5
Many people do not appreciate how fast a F1 car is because most F1 cars shown on TV are traveling at similar speed on TV. However, when you put a "stunning" BMW M5 along the side of a BMW F1 car, you realize that the M5 does not even belong to the track. Seeing how the F1 car smokes out the M5 is like watching an adult driving a super car to race against a kid riding a bicycle...
Monday, July 23, 2007
孙楠 - 我爱的她不爱我
音乐的价值是用悠扬的旋律抒发心情中凝聚的感受. 简简单单的一首歌, 在恰当的时候会让你思索很多,很多...
她要我她不愛我 - 任賢齊
夠清楚了 完全明白了
那也沒什麼 現在我傷心
喔 也許離開是對的
她要我 她不愛我
她要自由 卻怕寂寞
她要我 她不愛我
她懂得要求 卻不懂把握
她沒有傷我 只是我自己太軟弱
她要我她不愛我 - 任賢齊
夠清楚了 完全明白了
那也沒什麼 現在我傷心
喔 也許離開是對的
她要我 她不愛我
她要自由 卻怕寂寞
她要我 她不愛我
她懂得要求 卻不懂把握
她沒有傷我 只是我自己太軟弱
Monday, July 09, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
中国的汽车工业 - 道艰路远的里程
最近一两年好多媒体都报道说中国的一些私人企业想把自己设计制造的汽车卖到美国去 (先不提这些私人企业盗抄别人的设计的丑陋), 但是美国市场并不是象幻想的那样可以用低廉的价格而轻易占据. 今天看到的报道就是一个很明显的证明.
中国的卓越汽车以低价格卖到欧洲市场, 但在仅仅40英里每小时的碰撞实验证明这些车是不能够在危机情况下保护消费者的垃圾品. 工程上的设计简直是漏洞百出. 在GOOGLE上查询 "Chinese Brilliance BS6" 简直就是臭名昭著.
比较一下Honda Civic (在美国很低端的车款) 在60英里每小时的碰撞实验照片便很容易看出区别.
现代汽车讲究在碰撞后用车体的金属做为缓冲材料来减少对人体的伤害. HONDA的汽车达到了这样的要求 - 也许驾驶员会受到震荡但大难不死, 而开中国车的人却会成为肉泥.
对消费者而言, 就是要便宜还是要命的问题. 对美国的消费者来讲, 这样恶劣质量的产品首先就没办法通过安检, 而即使卖进了美国市场, 又有多少美国人在看到这些照片后会付钱呢?
在我看来, 中国的汽车要想进入竞争激烈的美国市场, 首先是认真做好安全和可靠性问题. 表面上的样式和配置都是虚伪的. 日本人花了近50年的心血才赢来今天的地位, 中国汽车工业在落后的情况下想在5-10年内大抢美国市场是不是憧憬的太美?
中国的卓越汽车以低价格卖到欧洲市场, 但在仅仅40英里每小时的碰撞实验证明这些车是不能够在危机情况下保护消费者的垃圾品. 工程上的设计简直是漏洞百出. 在GOOGLE上查询 "Chinese Brilliance BS6" 简直就是臭名昭著.
比较一下Honda Civic (在美国很低端的车款) 在60英里每小时的碰撞实验照片便很容易看出区别.
现代汽车讲究在碰撞后用车体的金属做为缓冲材料来减少对人体的伤害. HONDA的汽车达到了这样的要求 - 也许驾驶员会受到震荡但大难不死, 而开中国车的人却会成为肉泥.
对消费者而言, 就是要便宜还是要命的问题. 对美国的消费者来讲, 这样恶劣质量的产品首先就没办法通过安检, 而即使卖进了美国市场, 又有多少美国人在看到这些照片后会付钱呢?
在我看来, 中国的汽车要想进入竞争激烈的美国市场, 首先是认真做好安全和可靠性问题. 表面上的样式和配置都是虚伪的. 日本人花了近50年的心血才赢来今天的地位, 中国汽车工业在落后的情况下想在5-10年内大抢美国市场是不是憧憬的太美?
Friday, June 15, 2007
饥饿, 带着轻轻的胃痛
疲乏, 让我无法专住精神
坐在从新大阪开往东京的新干线里, 听着呼啸的风声, 看着窗外穿梭的景色, 我的脑海一片空白. 这辆快车本应该是4:23分开车, 但是在新大阪看到通知说在横梹路段出现交通事故, 警察和消防队都去了现场, 所以列车拖到5点才发车. 这对一向守时的日本人来说应该是件大事情了吧. 听说是有人自杀, 也许在日本, 压力过大而导致恶性时间是常事.
终于结束了在日本一周的行程. 没有想到在日本出差会比在台北甚至大陆辛苦很多. 也或许是因为连续奔波两周的缘故. 这几天都是早出晚归, 走很多路, 倒很多地铁和火车. 疲乏, 是隐形的包袱, 让我觉得背负着一身的沉重.
很怀念加州的阳光, 怀念舒适的生活. 东京人的忙碌和语言上的差异, 让我觉得他们对人都很冷漠. 礼貌是介于表面的一种形式, 也许他们内心从来不在乎别人的感受.
思绪复杂…美丽的夜, 徐徐的风, 浪漫的城市, 一颗孤独的心…我被东京的人潮埋没…我要回家咯!
饥饿, 带着轻轻的胃痛
疲乏, 让我无法专住精神
坐在从新大阪开往东京的新干线里, 听着呼啸的风声, 看着窗外穿梭的景色, 我的脑海一片空白. 这辆快车本应该是4:23分开车, 但是在新大阪看到通知说在横梹路段出现交通事故, 警察和消防队都去了现场, 所以列车拖到5点才发车. 这对一向守时的日本人来说应该是件大事情了吧. 听说是有人自杀, 也许在日本, 压力过大而导致恶性时间是常事.
终于结束了在日本一周的行程. 没有想到在日本出差会比在台北甚至大陆辛苦很多. 也或许是因为连续奔波两周的缘故. 这几天都是早出晚归, 走很多路, 倒很多地铁和火车. 疲乏, 是隐形的包袱, 让我觉得背负着一身的沉重.
很怀念加州的阳光, 怀念舒适的生活. 东京人的忙碌和语言上的差异, 让我觉得他们对人都很冷漠. 礼貌是介于表面的一种形式, 也许他们内心从来不在乎别人的感受.
思绪复杂…美丽的夜, 徐徐的风, 浪漫的城市, 一颗孤独的心…我被东京的人潮埋没…我要回家咯!
Friday, June 08, 2007
今年的台北COMPUTEX并不象去年那么热闹, 也许是因为下雨驱散了人们凑热闹的心情. 昨天晚上和同事去看大陆京剧乐团李海燕主演的<<文姬归汉>>, 虽然去的时候兴趣不大, 不过看了国粹后还是觉得很不错. 表演是在台北的国家戏剧院举行的, 正是在中正纪念堂旁边. 台湾的阿扁正在掀起一场全国大改名的运动. 原来的中正国际机场改成桃园国际机场, 中正纪念堂也要改名字, 就连在中正纪念堂的蒋介石雕像也要搬走. 无味的历史, 无味的政治, 在大陆政治家忙着贪污赚钱的时候, 台湾的政治人物却因为祖宗的牌坊而吵架, 就这一点看起来是没有共产党聪明.
一周的旅途很快地过去了. 终于离开台湾, 有机会去日本走一趟. 全程走完了一半. 长荣航空的航班
竟然是HELLO KITTY的特殊版, 从机仓外面的喷漆, 餐饮的用具, 甚至洗手间里的手纸上都印有粉红色KITTY的图案. 感觉有点幼稚, 当然也有点可爱.
飞机起飞之后爬出了云层. 最不习惯的也是几天来最怀念的, 就是红彤彤的太阳. 台北一周都是雨季, 绵绵地下个不停. 让人心烦. 这和加州的天气形成鲜明的对比. 在台北走到哪里都是潮乎乎的感觉, 很压抑. 人们匆忙地在街上行走, 好象是可以躲开一些潮气, 这更显出台北的忙碌, 让我有想家的感觉.
出了东京的成田机场, 坐Limousine Bus去新宿的Century Hyatt酒店, 一路上汽车已经在左边行驶. 好象好久没有一种到了陌生地方的感觉. 从中国去加拿大的时候, 虽然开始用英语, 但是毕竟在国内有学过很多年, 没有无法沟通的痛苦. 但是在日本, 除了可以识别汉字外, 口痴就是难免的了. 断断续续学了一年的日语, 在常人流利的口语面前无地自容, 忽然又发现自己忘记了很多学过的单词…无奈.
好好地休息一下, 东京还有一个周末可以让我去探索.
Tags: Taipei, Computex, Tokyo, Japan
一周的旅途很快地过去了. 终于离开台湾, 有机会去日本走一趟. 全程走完了一半. 长荣航空的航班
竟然是HELLO KITTY的特殊版, 从机仓外面的喷漆, 餐饮的用具, 甚至洗手间里的手纸上都印有粉红色KITTY的图案. 感觉有点幼稚, 当然也有点可爱.
飞机起飞之后爬出了云层. 最不习惯的也是几天来最怀念的, 就是红彤彤的太阳. 台北一周都是雨季, 绵绵地下个不停. 让人心烦. 这和加州的天气形成鲜明的对比. 在台北走到哪里都是潮乎乎的感觉, 很压抑. 人们匆忙地在街上行走, 好象是可以躲开一些潮气, 这更显出台北的忙碌, 让我有想家的感觉.
出了东京的成田机场, 坐Limousine Bus去新宿的Century Hyatt酒店, 一路上汽车已经在左边行驶. 好象好久没有一种到了陌生地方的感觉. 从中国去加拿大的时候, 虽然开始用英语, 但是毕竟在国内有学过很多年, 没有无法沟通的痛苦. 但是在日本, 除了可以识别汉字外, 口痴就是难免的了. 断断续续学了一年的日语, 在常人流利的口语面前无地自容, 忽然又发现自己忘记了很多学过的单词…无奈.
好好地休息一下, 东京还有一个周末可以让我去探索.
Tags: Taipei, Computex, Tokyo, Japan
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates meet at All Things D
Geeks would love these videos...
There are more videos after the jump...
Tags: Video, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, All Things D
There are more videos after the jump...
Tags: Video, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, All Things D
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sharks Can Reproduce Alone!
An article from Washington Post reports that a team of researchers found out Sharks can reproduce alone...through the process known as parthenogenesis...
What a weird animal! I'm sure those females miss lots of fun too... =)
Tags: news, Shark
What a weird animal! I'm sure those females miss lots of fun too... =)
Tags: news, Shark
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
看了一篇Blog, 标题是”The Coolest, Cheapest Mother’s Day Gift Ever”, 实际上就是作者在他的Blog里祝他的母亲和他的老婆(有个小孩子)母亲节快乐.
小的时候只知道让父母去疼爱自己, 只有长大了才渐渐了解到父母为自己的成长付出了很多很多. 物质上的付出是可以用金钱去衡量的, 但无私的爱却是无价的. 自己的今天, 是父母的教育,培养和创造的条件而来的.
妈, 母亲节快乐!!
Tags: Mothers Day, 母亲节
小的时候只知道让父母去疼爱自己, 只有长大了才渐渐了解到父母为自己的成长付出了很多很多. 物质上的付出是可以用金钱去衡量的, 但无私的爱却是无价的. 自己的今天, 是父母的教育,培养和创造的条件而来的.
妈, 母亲节快乐!!
Tags: Mothers Day, 母亲节
World's Highest (and most Retarded) Swing
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Transformers Pictures
Apparently, Director Michael Bay has his own blog (and I'm just too dumb to know it sooner). He just posted some HIGH RESOLUTION Transformer pictures to his blog that I'm sure many fans will appreciate.
Check them out!!!
Tags: Transformer, pictures, Michael Bay
Check them out!!!
Tags: Transformer, pictures, Michael Bay
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Spelling Checker Can't Help You
I got this weird email in my Inbox, and I think at least a couple of things are wrong:
1. Games for Windows magazine gives an Apple iPod as a gift? Reversely, think about Steve Jobs gives his royal customers a copy of Windows Vista for reward. It's just NOT right;
2. An 80MB iPod? That's an incredibly small hard disk...Whoever wrote this email is a pretty retarded. And Spelling Checker just can't help him;
I'm not sure I want to read this magazine at all. This is a Marketing disaster...
Tags: Games for Windows, iPod
1. Games for Windows magazine gives an Apple iPod as a gift? Reversely, think about Steve Jobs gives his royal customers a copy of Windows Vista for reward. It's just NOT right;
2. An 80MB iPod? That's an incredibly small hard disk...Whoever wrote this email is a pretty retarded. And Spelling Checker just can't help him;
I'm not sure I want to read this magazine at all. This is a Marketing disaster...
Tags: Games for Windows, iPod
Monday, May 07, 2007
停顿了一年多之后, 我再次回到公司的健身房开始锻炼(a.k.a.减肥). 中途看到公司CEO也进来了. 快60的人了, 身体好得不得了. 做Back Extension的时候手里还可以捧一个50磅的铁盘. 然后再一手拿一个25磅的哑铃耍来耍去.
我心虚地想自己到了他这个岁数的时候会不会能有这么好的身体. 明明是青年, 却感觉体力很差, 再加上工作压力和懒惰, 每天只想吃饱喝好, 也许不到40岁就虚得不行了. 2005年底锻炼的四个月对我来说收益很大, 体检的时候心跳一分钟不到60次, 胆固醇也超低.
为了活得久, 就要保养和锻炼. 锻炼对青少年人是娱乐的副品, 小的时候打了一天篮球后感觉到的是放松和舒坦. 但对青年和中年人来说就是意志和耐力的考验了. 锻炼身体是辛苦的, 我不是那种在锻炼中可以享受到幸福的人. 现在体重大约158磅, 但愿有一天我可以在保持体重不变的情况下成功地把身体上的肥肉转换很肌肉...
Tags: Work Out, Fitness
我心虚地想自己到了他这个岁数的时候会不会能有这么好的身体. 明明是青年, 却感觉体力很差, 再加上工作压力和懒惰, 每天只想吃饱喝好, 也许不到40岁就虚得不行了. 2005年底锻炼的四个月对我来说收益很大, 体检的时候心跳一分钟不到60次, 胆固醇也超低.
为了活得久, 就要保养和锻炼. 锻炼对青少年人是娱乐的副品, 小的时候打了一天篮球后感觉到的是放松和舒坦. 但对青年和中年人来说就是意志和耐力的考验了. 锻炼身体是辛苦的, 我不是那种在锻炼中可以享受到幸福的人. 现在体重大约158磅, 但愿有一天我可以在保持体重不变的情况下成功地把身体上的肥肉转换很肌肉...
Tags: Work Out, Fitness
周末没空看篮球, 出去忙了两天 - 买东西和给汽车维修 (换机油, 做排气检查, 换轮胎). 去Costco买东西的时候看到有福尔摩斯的老电影, 1988年和1992年出品的. 于是买了一套.
回家和LP聊天, 忽然觉得自己老了. 以前看电影的时候有很多角色的人物都喜欢看Classics(老电影), 甚至有的是黑白片, 我都觉得很无聊. 没想到现在自己也很喜欢看了. LP安慰我说家里还有Xbox 360和PlayStation 2, 所以还是童心未老. 我却觉得自己是处于一个心理变化阶段的边缘, 逐渐地变老. 看来平时要多花点时间玩玩游戏机.
Tags: Sherlock Holmes, 老电影
回家和LP聊天, 忽然觉得自己老了. 以前看电影的时候有很多角色的人物都喜欢看Classics(老电影), 甚至有的是黑白片, 我都觉得很无聊. 没想到现在自己也很喜欢看了. LP安慰我说家里还有Xbox 360和PlayStation 2, 所以还是童心未老. 我却觉得自己是处于一个心理变化阶段的边缘, 逐渐地变老. 看来平时要多花点时间玩玩游戏机.
Tags: Sherlock Holmes, 老电影
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Yao and TM Suck
After leading the 1st round of 2007 NBA playoff series by 2-0 against the Utah Jazz, Houston Rockets LOST the series in the 7th game in their HOME court.
I think this is the biggest joke ever - both Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady were Super Stars of the NBA, yet they could not win the 1st series against bunch of young players who are more desperate to win than they are.
Put it simply, Yao and TM Suck!
Tags: NBA, Utah, Jazz, Houston, Rocket, Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady
I think this is the biggest joke ever - both Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady were Super Stars of the NBA, yet they could not win the 1st series against bunch of young players who are more desperate to win than they are.
Put it simply, Yao and TM Suck!
Tags: NBA, Utah, Jazz, Houston, Rocket, Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady
Thursday, May 03, 2007
How many tourist is too many?
The 1st week of May is the "Golden Week" in China. Many tourists travel to different cities for vocation, and Beijing is one of the most popular ones.
On May 2nd, 2007, close to 115 thousands people visited Forbidden City of Beijing. Forbidden City is now a museum in Beijing that once was the Imperial Palace.
I'm sure the Emperor never thought there would be so many people come to his Palace in one day...
Tags: Forbidden City, Beijing, China, Emperor, 故宫, 北京, 中国, 皇帝
On May 2nd, 2007, close to 115 thousands people visited Forbidden City of Beijing. Forbidden City is now a museum in Beijing that once was the Imperial Palace.
I'm sure the Emperor never thought there would be so many people come to his Palace in one day...
Tags: Forbidden City, Beijing, China, Emperor, 故宫, 北京, 中国, 皇帝
Top 10 millionaire counties
CNN Money has a list of Top 10 millionaire counties in the U.S.
TNS Financial Services, a market research and polling firm, ranks the nation's top ten counties with the highest number of millionaire residents. How does your county measure up?
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Top 10 millionaire counties
via Personal finance news - on May 03, 2007
TNS Financial Services, a market research and polling firm, ranks the nation's top ten counties with the highest number of millionaire residents. How does your county measure up?
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Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Transform your Chevy Autobots
Chevrolet is taking full advantage of the upcoming Transformers movie. They launched a new site that allows visits to build their Autobots using pre-selected Chevy vehicles...A good idea to attract young buyers, a good marketing strategy, a potential boost of their sales...
Damn! Can't wait to see the movie!
Tags: Chevy, Chevrolet, Transformers, Autobot
Damn! Can't wait to see the movie!
Tags: Chevy, Chevrolet, Transformers, Autobot
Monday, April 23, 2007
COPY - Is that all Chinese can do?
I know the girl in the picture looks really nice, but that "Crossover/SUV" in the picture is a total shame. Shanghai Auto Show takes place in China this week, and I saw these pictures from AutoBlog. While the front fender of this vehicle copied Pontiac's Torrent, the back is an exact duplicate of Lexus'RX350.
I just don't understand (in general) why Chinese have to always copy someone else's designs instead of being creative and revolutionary. Everyone laughs at Hyundai for coping Germany (Mercedes) and Japanese (Toyota and Honda), but at least they twists the designs - unlike Chinese, who think Cloning is better.
HuangHai Auto - Shame on you!!
Tags: Auto Show, Shanghai, Pontiac, Torrent, Lexus, RX350, Huanghai, 上海, 车展, 黄海, 法萨特
Cheap Chinese
The last 30-ish days have been crazy for me.
I went to Beijing and Taipei with my manager between 3/19 and 3/24 last month. Right after I came back, I went to San Diego for two days on 3/29 and 3/30 for another business trip. The week of 3/26 to 3/30 was a little hectic just because of the tiredness and the load of trip report and emails to close on. But it was just the beginning. My family was moving to a new apartment on 3/31, so that weekend was miserable. I got up early in the morning on Saturday (went to bed around 2AM on both Thursday and Friday night), rented a U-haul, loaded the truck, drove to the new apartment, unloaded all the stuff, and drove to IKEA to buy a bed frame and a computer desk, all in one day. Every weekend since then was spent on house cleaning and shopping.
The weird thing is that everything we bought since we moved to the new apartment had some defects in one way or another.
First, it was the bed frame from IKEA. Everything looked well, but one corner of the frame end was poorly Casted, so I couldn’t fit into the socket of the bed end very well. It was taken care of by some brute force with a hammer.
When the mattress set was delivered, we noticed a small hump at one corner of the mattress, which looked like it was overly pressed. Ok, not a big deal.
Then the computer desk from IKEA had some wood chips on the front plate of the top shelf. Well, it looks alright if one does not pay attention to the details.
We also bought four sets of chairs and chair mats from IKEA and one office chair form Costco last weekend. One of the chair top boards was poorly cut – it’s about 1cm shorter than others on the left side and ~0.5cm shorter than others on the right side. Not a big deal if someone sits on it, but it’s not symmetrically made for sure.
One of the dining chair mats was also different from others. All four mats have the same patterns, but one of them was sewed differently.
Finally, the office chair was a total disaster. The seat plate has three holes used for attaching the back support with three screws. The three holes were somehow drilled too big that the screws of the back support simply could not lock up. So we had to drive to Home Depot and buy three sets of screws with nuts. To tight up the nut, I used a cheap wrench from Dollar-Store that kept getting loose, and it took me forever!
And that’s only what happened so far. Life is not always perfect. I guess I will just have to learn to deal with it. We also need to buy a coffee table, a TV table, and we have a brand new Plasma/LCD TV on the quarterly budget list. I certainly hope/wish that no more defect to be found when I buy more furniture. Besides the imperfections, fixing them one by one is simply annoying.
One thing worth to mention is that besides the mattress damage, which was probably due to an accidental abuse, everything else with defects were “Made in China”. The cheap Chinese never had any concept about “Quality Control”, so I don’t know if IKEA and Costco should take the blame for buying products from bad suppliers, or if the “shitty” qualities of Chinese vendors are too widely spread to prevent in the first place.
Well, at least everything is pretty much in place now…until one day the office chair’s back support breaks and kills my back!
Tags: life, Blog, IKEA, Costco
I went to Beijing and Taipei with my manager between 3/19 and 3/24 last month. Right after I came back, I went to San Diego for two days on 3/29 and 3/30 for another business trip. The week of 3/26 to 3/30 was a little hectic just because of the tiredness and the load of trip report and emails to close on. But it was just the beginning. My family was moving to a new apartment on 3/31, so that weekend was miserable. I got up early in the morning on Saturday (went to bed around 2AM on both Thursday and Friday night), rented a U-haul, loaded the truck, drove to the new apartment, unloaded all the stuff, and drove to IKEA to buy a bed frame and a computer desk, all in one day. Every weekend since then was spent on house cleaning and shopping.
The weird thing is that everything we bought since we moved to the new apartment had some defects in one way or another.
First, it was the bed frame from IKEA. Everything looked well, but one corner of the frame end was poorly Casted, so I couldn’t fit into the socket of the bed end very well. It was taken care of by some brute force with a hammer.
When the mattress set was delivered, we noticed a small hump at one corner of the mattress, which looked like it was overly pressed. Ok, not a big deal.
Then the computer desk from IKEA had some wood chips on the front plate of the top shelf. Well, it looks alright if one does not pay attention to the details.
We also bought four sets of chairs and chair mats from IKEA and one office chair form Costco last weekend. One of the chair top boards was poorly cut – it’s about 1cm shorter than others on the left side and ~0.5cm shorter than others on the right side. Not a big deal if someone sits on it, but it’s not symmetrically made for sure.
One of the dining chair mats was also different from others. All four mats have the same patterns, but one of them was sewed differently.
Finally, the office chair was a total disaster. The seat plate has three holes used for attaching the back support with three screws. The three holes were somehow drilled too big that the screws of the back support simply could not lock up. So we had to drive to Home Depot and buy three sets of screws with nuts. To tight up the nut, I used a cheap wrench from Dollar-Store that kept getting loose, and it took me forever!
And that’s only what happened so far. Life is not always perfect. I guess I will just have to learn to deal with it. We also need to buy a coffee table, a TV table, and we have a brand new Plasma/LCD TV on the quarterly budget list. I certainly hope/wish that no more defect to be found when I buy more furniture. Besides the imperfections, fixing them one by one is simply annoying.
One thing worth to mention is that besides the mattress damage, which was probably due to an accidental abuse, everything else with defects were “Made in China”. The cheap Chinese never had any concept about “Quality Control”, so I don’t know if IKEA and Costco should take the blame for buying products from bad suppliers, or if the “shitty” qualities of Chinese vendors are too widely spread to prevent in the first place.
Well, at least everything is pretty much in place now…until one day the office chair’s back support breaks and kills my back!
Tags: life, Blog, IKEA, Costco
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Video - Robot Flights
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Top Gear on Limos
This is one of the best Top Gear episodes yet. Some people did not appreciate the horsepower measurement of the GT-500, so skip Part 2 if you're bored. It takes some time to watch the whole episode. However, Part 1 and Part 3 worth every second of the time...Enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Tags: Video, Top Gear, Limos, funny
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Tags: Video, Top Gear, Limos, funny
Friday, February 23, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
San Francisco Weather Forecast - 2/8/2007
Just checked with Yahoo! Weather, rainy days for San Francisco for next week. But I just noticed that Yahoo! shows the Low Temp is actually HIGHER than the High Temp...How can this be?
Tags: San Francisco, Yahoo, Weather, Forecast
Tags: San Francisco, Yahoo, Weather, Forecast
Monday, February 05, 2007
Top Gear - Bugatti Veyron Reaches 253mph
Thursday, February 01, 2007
ABC's Charles Gibson on American's Automotive Industry
ABC's Charles Gibson hosted a show that talk about the American's Automotive Industry. I couldn't import the video into my blog, but the original video can be found here.
Quite interesting, for those who care about the American Auto Industry.
I have no comment.
Tags: ABC, Charles Gibson, American, Automotive, Industry
Quite interesting, for those who care about the American Auto Industry.
I have no comment.
Tags: ABC, Charles Gibson, American, Automotive, Industry
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Xbox Live Bug?
I just beat RAAM by Solo with INSANE difficulty, so I figured I need to log on Xbox live and back up the scores. After the sync, Xbox live displays TWO SETS of scores to me on the SAME screen. The main Game Card shows I have 500 points in total, but the SAME Game Card on the top right still shows my old score - 380. This is after 5 mins of the sync, and I have refreshed the page 10+ times.
Tags: Xbox, Live, Gears of War, bug
Tags: Xbox, Live, Gears of War, bug
Gears of War - I beat RAAM with INSANE
I did it! I beat the SH*$t out of RAAM with INSANE difficulty in Solo!! (Check my Xbox Live achievement and scores.) It actually took me a month of "exercise", believe it or not. I played the last scene every other day for about an hour , and the experience and skills built up to the point I was no longer afraid of him.
I tried many strategies, and I tried different ways. None of them worked. A quick search in Google with "RAAM INSANE" easily reveals how difficult it is for some players and fans of Gears.
So how did I do it? Well, I figure out two points:
1. I need to execute quickly. The longer I spend in the scene, the less chance I will beat him because RAAM will either runs close to me, or the f*^%king flying RAVENS will kill me.
2. I need a powerful weapon. Most postings I read about this topic suggests NOT to use the shotgun. But I did, and I won. Why? The shotgun has lots of power and it does lots of damage. It is not good for long distance shooting, but if you use it behind a concrete wall while RAAM is stuck, it becomes the most effective weapon ever! (Seriously, every time I fire the shotgun, RAAM jerks a little and sometimes screams a little for his pain.)
That's it, it was very simple after all. I got him stuck near the concrete wall, and I hide in front of him. I fire the torque bow to kill the kryills, then I quickly switch to the shotgun and blind shoot. I repeat the process until RAAM is killed...and it only takes about 2 minute. =)
For those Gears fans who are still trying out their luck, I hope my tip will help.
Tags: Gears of War, RAAM, insane, solo, Kryill, Raven, game, Xbox 360
I tried many strategies, and I tried different ways. None of them worked. A quick search in Google with "RAAM INSANE" easily reveals how difficult it is for some players and fans of Gears.
So how did I do it? Well, I figure out two points:
1. I need to execute quickly. The longer I spend in the scene, the less chance I will beat him because RAAM will either runs close to me, or the f*^%king flying RAVENS will kill me.
2. I need a powerful weapon. Most postings I read about this topic suggests NOT to use the shotgun. But I did, and I won. Why? The shotgun has lots of power and it does lots of damage. It is not good for long distance shooting, but if you use it behind a concrete wall while RAAM is stuck, it becomes the most effective weapon ever! (Seriously, every time I fire the shotgun, RAAM jerks a little and sometimes screams a little for his pain.)
That's it, it was very simple after all. I got him stuck near the concrete wall, and I hide in front of him. I fire the torque bow to kill the kryills, then I quickly switch to the shotgun and blind shoot. I repeat the process until RAAM is killed...and it only takes about 2 minute. =)
For those Gears fans who are still trying out their luck, I hope my tip will help.
Tags: Gears of War, RAAM, insane, solo, Kryill, Raven, game, Xbox 360
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
周末看了张艺谋的<<满城尽带黄金甲>>. 是国内前段时间炒得很热的一部电影. 除了鲜艳的背景和穿着外,演员队伍自然也很庞大. 周润发, 巩利, 周董(杰伦), 以及被大导演筛选过的美女阵容, 确实有"大场面"的魄力.
昨天又看了刘德华和范冰冰主演的<<墨攻>> (A Battle of Wits). 随便在网上查了查, 看来还是最近国内很火的影片, 自然也少不了媒体的炒作. 整部影片场面确实也不小, 反映了春秋战国时期的政治斗争和人际关系.
奇怪的是两部影片感觉有很多相似之处. 它们都有大腕演员,大场面,都是古装片, 两部影片的后半部又都看起来有点压抑. 大陆电影一直讲究要出新. 花了很多人力物力和财力, 虽然和Hollywood的电影有了一些不同, 可是却和同类时期的本国电影撞车, 有些让人无奈. 不知道其他人先后看了这两部影片后是不是有同感.
Tags: Movie, Review, A Battle of Wits, 满城尽带黄金甲, 墨攻, 墨攻, 刘德华, 范冰冰, 周润发, 巩利, 周杰伦
Monday, January 29, 2007
Richard Hammond's Crash Footage
Top Gear's Richard Hammond is back, live and healthy! He was very brave and very lucky. It's good to see him again in the show, and it's a mixed feeling to see him talking about the Crash Event (he crashed in a jet-engine powered car at 314mph)in the show...
Tags: Top Gear, Richard Hammond, video, crash, footage
Tags: Top Gear, Richard Hammond, video, crash, footage
Friday, January 19, 2007
Comic of the day - Marketing
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
2nd Generation Xbox 360 Revealed!
Engadget reports that "The Second Xbox 360" is coming "soon"....Damn it! I just bought my 1st generation not long ago, and it does NOT have HDMI support. =(
I'm still trying to beat Gears'RAAM at Insane level...Does anyone have a tip what the best way is? Any help?
Tags: Engadget, Xbox 360, Gears of War, RAAM
I'm still trying to beat Gears'RAAM at Insane level...Does anyone have a tip what the best way is? Any help?
Tags: Engadget, Xbox 360, Gears of War, RAAM
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