Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Xbox Live Bug?

I just beat RAAM by Solo with INSANE difficulty, so I figured I need to log on Xbox live and back up the scores. After the sync, Xbox live displays TWO SETS of scores to me on the SAME screen. The main Game Card shows I have 500 points in total, but the SAME Game Card on the top right still shows my old score - 380. This is after 5 mins of the sync, and I have refreshed the page 10+ times.

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Gears of War - I beat RAAM with INSANE

I did it! I beat the SH*$t out of RAAM with INSANE difficulty in Solo!! (Check my Xbox Live achievement and scores.) It actually took me a month of "exercise", believe it or not. I played the last scene every other day for about an hour , and the experience and skills built up to the point I was no longer afraid of him.

I tried many strategies, and I tried different ways. None of them worked. A quick search in Google with "RAAM INSANE" easily reveals how difficult it is for some players and fans of Gears.

So how did I do it? Well, I figure out two points:

1. I need to execute quickly. The longer I spend in the scene, the less chance I will beat him because RAAM will either runs close to me, or the f*^%king flying RAVENS will kill me.

2. I need a powerful weapon. Most postings I read about this topic suggests NOT to use the shotgun. But I did, and I won. Why? The shotgun has lots of power and it does lots of damage. It is not good for long distance shooting, but if you use it behind a concrete wall while RAAM is stuck, it becomes the most effective weapon ever! (Seriously, every time I fire the shotgun, RAAM jerks a little and sometimes screams a little for his pain.)

That's it, it was very simple after all. I got him stuck near the concrete wall, and I hide in front of him. I fire the torque bow to kill the kryills, then I quickly switch to the shotgun and blind shoot. I repeat the process until RAAM is killed...and it only takes about 2 minute. =)

For those Gears fans who are still trying out their luck, I hope my tip will help.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


周末看了张艺谋的<<满城尽带黄金甲>>. 是国内前段时间炒得很热的一部电影. 除了鲜艳的背景和穿着外,演员队伍自然也很庞大. 周润发, 巩利, 周董(杰伦), 以及被大导演筛选过的美女阵容, 确实有"大场面"的魄力.

昨天又看了刘德华和范冰冰主演的<<墨攻>> (A Battle of Wits). 随便在网上查了查, 看来还是最近国内很火的影片, 自然也少不了媒体的炒作. 整部影片场面确实也不小, 反映了春秋战国时期的政治斗争和人际关系.

奇怪的是两部影片感觉有很多相似之处. 它们都有大腕演员,大场面,都是古装片, 两部影片的后半部又都看起来有点压抑. 大陆电影一直讲究要出新. 花了很多人力物力和财力, 虽然和Hollywood的电影有了一些不同, 可是却和同类时期的本国电影撞车, 有些让人无奈. 不知道其他人先后看了这两部影片后是不是有同感.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Richard Hammond's Crash Footage

Top Gear's Richard Hammond is back, live and healthy! He was very brave and very lucky. It's good to see him again in the show, and it's a mixed feeling to see him talking about the Crash Event (he crashed in a jet-engine powered car at 314mph)in the show...

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Friday, January 19, 2007

It's Friday!

I hope that I don't sound like a girl, but this is pretty cute:

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Comic of the day - Marketing

One colleague sent a group email today with this comic. Since I'm in the semiconductor business and I'm doing a marketing/product marketing job, I can't disagree....Actually, guilty as hell =)

But...this is my job, and this is life.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

2nd Generation Xbox 360 Revealed!

Engadget reports that "The Second Xbox 360" is coming "soon"....Damn it! I just bought my 1st generation not long ago, and it does NOT have HDMI support. =(

I'm still trying to beat Gears'RAAM at Insane level...Does anyone have a tip what the best way is? Any help?

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