Thursday, August 31, 2006


想向老板请一天假, 老板推心置腹地说:"你想请一天假?看看你在向公司要求什么?一年里有365天你可以工作。 一年52个星期,你已经每星期休息2天,共104天,剩下261天工作。

你每天有16小时不在工作,去掉174天,剩下87天。 每天你至少花30分钟时间上网,加起来每年23天,剩下64天。

每天午饭时间你花掉1小时,又用掉46天,还有18天。 通常你每年请2天病假,这样你的工作时间只有16天。


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Sunday, August 27, 2006


闲着没事, 今天和LP去San Francisco走了一遭. 先是在唐人街晃了晃:

然后去Union Square, 路上看到一个有趣的凳子, 于是就照了一张:
呵呵, 头发好长, 晚上回来剪掉了.

在Union Square的Macy's逛完, 出门看到一辆极?(diao)的奔驰. 轮鼓好炫! 车的牌子叫"Uniquely San Francisco" - 真不是瞎吹的, 估计整个三藩市就这么一辆 (大尺寸的照片在我的相册里):

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Dilbert Quotes from Real Corporate World

A magazine recently ran a "Dilbert Quotes" contest. They were looking for people to submit quotes from their real-life Dilbert-type managers. These were voted the top ten quotes in corporate America:

"As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday, and employees will receive their cards in two weeks."
(This was the winning quote from Fred Dales, Microsoft Corp. in Redmond WA)

"What I need is an exact list of specific unknown problems we might encounter."
(Lykes Lines Shipping)

"E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or data. It should be used only for company business." (Accounting manager, Electric Boat Company)

"This project is so important we can't let things that are more important interfere with it."
(Advertising/Marketing manager, United Parcel Service)

"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."
(Plant Manager, Delco Corporation)

"No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months.
Now go act busy for a few weeks and I'll let you know when it's time to tell them."

(R&D supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing/3M Corp.)

Quote from the Boss: "Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say."
(Marketing executive, Citrix Corporation)

My sister passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday. When I told my Boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year. He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday. He said, "That would be better for me."
(Shipping executive, FTD Florists)

"We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees."
(Switching supervisor, AT&T Long Lines Division)

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


前两天看了看校友录的新消息, 发现高中省实验八班在最近竟然有好几个人要结婚的, 而且都赶在最近一两个月. 班级相册里的结婚照都登了很多. 上次回国也是赶上两个好朋友结婚, 看来我们这一代人的结婚高峰期快来了. 再过一两年也许参加婚礼都忙不过来了. 然后再过几年, 还没结婚的也许就成了稀有动物了...

呵呵, 人生好象还是有阶段性的. 时光过得好快啊! 想想当年还是高中同学, 现今已经工作的工作, 结婚的结婚了...过两年回国和同学聚会, 一见面就都是三口四口的了...


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Tuesday, August 22, 2006


早上一上班, 接到一位台湾同事打来的电话. 他要辞职去大陆发展了. 其实听起来是有一些伤感的, 因为毕竟大家在一起共事已经两年多. 他比我经验丰富, 可以说是我的前辈. 彼此在一起工作又有默契, 感觉很好. 想想他在台湾公司也算是干到高层了, 可是还是毅然离开公司, 离开半导体业去服务业发展, 况且又是离开台湾去大陆, 这都是需要很多魄力的.

其实人生中总是有很多选择的. 小的选择决定小的事情, 大的选择会影响一生的发展和人生道路的走向. 拥有越多的人也许越不愿意去选择一条转变自己目前生活的道路, 因为每一次选择都有相对的“机会成本”(Opportunity Cost). 生活安逸的人会觉得机会成本太高而不愿去转变. 当然这样的选择和人的性格还有年龄, 甚至每个人的家庭背景和生活习惯都有关系.

想想自己已经工作两年了, 生活的压力也时常让自己去思索怎样找寻更 “幸福”的人生道路. 可是转变是困难的, 更何况有“机会成本”的考量. 两年来工作中认识的人走了的很多,不知道是不是每个人都没有后悔自己的选择. 以前有个人告诉过我说不要因为看到现在工作的缺点就换工作, 而是要看到更好的发展机会才是正确的时机. 我想这是正确的. 可是衡量 “更好的发展” 是永远带有风险的. 不过至少我还没有遇到一个机会值得我去衡量它的潜力. 所以我想我还是要继续走现在的路, 也许到了时机成熟的时候我会看到自己应该面对的方向.

世界是渺小的, 不知道过了多少年后遇到那些在人生中有过交叉的熟人后, 大家又都是什么样子. 不知道到那时候, 我还是不是在走和今天相同的路…

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writely re-opened for registration

Google's writely is re-opened for registration...

Free, nice, convenient, and useful...

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Saturday, August 19, 2006


最近看了很多电影, 给各位推荐一下:

Mission Impossible III (感觉不错)

Fast & Furious 3 Tokyo Drift (很喜欢)

龙虎门 (还可以)

X-Men: The Last Stand

疯狂的石头 (挺逗的, 经典)

无限复活 (典型香港肥皂剧-无聊)


When a Stranger Calls
(悬念片, 没什么意思)

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Summer Time














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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

疲惫, 上海一夜

到厦门当天就要飞上海. 到了上海, 立刻感觉要了与深圳的不同. 整洁而有秩序. 公司定的是巴黎春天大酒店, 比上次的假日皇冠要好很多, 况且住的是行政楼层 (executive floor), 连上行政楼层的电梯都是要刷卡的, 一定不会有半夜敲门的骚扰了. =)

拖着一身的疲惫, 9点多到了酒店, 整理房间, 再和网友聊了几句后下楼吃饭.已经10点左右了. 周围开着的店铺不多, 只好到巴黎春天下面的 “今天明天”去吃. 点了小笼包和锅帖, 味道不错. 回来后却忘记房间号码了. =( 出门在外就是这样, 一天一个地方, 一天一个酒店和房间号码. 疲惫之后就更难记得了. 试了一下3739, 不对, 只好回行政楼层的办理处去问. 更惨的是进了电梯忘了用房卡验证, 结果被电梯拉到一楼, 又重新回到34楼…


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上次到大陆因为台风的问题没有去成厦门, 这一次又试了一次. 心诚自然灵, 到底到厦门转了一圈. 做出租车环岛饶了一大圈. 过了隧道, 看了一下鼓浪屿, 还可以望到金门. 的哥是个河南人, 很能侃. 一路听了好多故事. 不论是真是假, 全当是一次免费的解说了.

厦门和深圳比少了许多繁华, 更象是中国的一个普通城市. 很明显的感觉到小平同志没在这个地方画过圈. 听的哥说台商来厦门旅游的很多, 不过我是没机会在厦门玩了

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Monday, August 07, 2006


在香港渡了周末, 和同事去港岛南部的赤柱(Stanley)去玩. 那里有个Murry House, 后边有个观音庙和其他几个小庙. 不知不觉中两个腿上被蚊子叮了近20个包, 可能是我们捅了蚊子窝吧. 开始还以为是天热出汗太痒, 后来才发现麻烦大了. 右小腿上十几个胞, 又痛又痒, 还好有个大妈指点我去买白花油, 买了之后就见效不痒了. 不过腿还是鼓鼓的, 一块红一块白, 看起来很奇怪. 往上用了肥皂, 又用了白花油, 还是很难受, 还好拖香港同事买了药. 接过来一看是"无比滴(Mopidick Lotion)", 日本生产的, 在去珠海的船上用了一些, 马上见效…好药!

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How to fix a cold sore faster

Right before I took off to Taiwan, I bight my lip and I got three cold sore. The bigger one was about 3mm in diameter, and two smaller ones besides it. Boy was that painful.

I used a trick that was taught by my wife to fix it. I bought a bottle of Vitamin C pills and put one pill right at where the cold sores were. I call this suicidal, or whatever you think it should be called. But if you can survive the pain until the pill melts in your mouse, the cold sores will be healed a few times faster than if you leave them alone.

Try it next time when you get a cold sore. Just don't sue me.

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