Tuesday, October 30, 2007



今天下班比较晚, 快8点才离开公司, 所以地震的时候应该还在路上. 反正加州的路面(也许是因为地震的原因)很不平整, 平时颠习惯了, 我竟然没有感觉到任何事情. 后来发现手机信号不好, 试着打几个电话都发不出去, 看来信号有受到影响.

后来想了想还是有点怕. 都说San Francisco一带每30年应该有一次大震, 应该快到了. 家里平时准备好食品和电筒, 以防万一...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Gizmodo - Man Drives From NY to LA in 31 hours and 7 minutes

A post from Gizmodo says a man (Alex Roy) drove from NY to Santa Monica, LA in 31 hours (The title says "4 minutes", but the video below actually says "7 minutes"). There were plenty of gadgets installed in the BMW M5 to avoid cops...

"The actual race happened a little over a year ago, but Alex couldn't tell anyone of his exploits until the statute of limitations was up in all states he drove through."

Law-breaking hero? Not sure. Impressive? I dig.