Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Apple's Revenue Source

Apple's Revenue Source.

Worst Parking Job Ever

The point of this video is to say BMW X5 is a real SUV with German horsepower under the hood...


说话难听点, 损一下联想的"乐phone"吧.

最近看到联想花大力气(就是花钱贝)给最新的乐phone做宣传, 满天的中文网都有相关报道. 联想信誓旦旦地要和iPhone挑战. 首先要说的是, 这一个竞争目标定得好 - 要比就比最好的. 勇气可加, 也有志气.

可是话说回来, "乐phone"实在是有点雷人. 外观设计有够丑, 这也就算了, 连软体平台都落后. 现在新出的ANDROID手机都用2.1了, "乐phone"还用1.6呢 (而且还没上市), 虽然以后会升级, 可是起步就落后了. 用ANDROID做平台, 并不是没有代价的. 软件的核心技术在谷歌手上, 也要服从开放平台的合同要求. 再谈"乐phone"这个名字.  就联想这么大的一个公司, 主打的产品竟然和对手的名字类似, 走出大门在国际市场上就有抄袭的嫌疑, 这不是天生就挂着"山寨"的味道吗, 走到哪里都一股土味, 没有创新.

好的宣传, 有的时候能把死的说成活的. 可是电子产品不能只靠呼悠. 苹果在6个月内在大中国市场卖了近两百万部iPhone, "乐phone"在六个月内如果能卖超过六十万只我就败服.

No More "The Next iPhone" Story, Please

I feel I've had enough of this "Gizmodo-got-the-next-iPhone" story.  Too much already!

I couldn't stop reading news from geek blogs, but there is so much news, redundant news, about the "next iPhone" and how the poor software engineer lost it and how he could also loose his career.  Gizmodo and media, please, stop.

Here is the problem, although I was one of the people who jumped into the link once I learned the next iPhone was leaked, the consequence is the exposure stole the show from Apple and Steve Jobs.  Apple fans will pay for this sentimentally later, I guarantee it.

Apple and their engineers are sometimes called "magicians".  They are good at controlling the release of their products air-tight.  You see, that is the beauty of this game.  They create the curiosity, they build the hype, then they release it with a bang during the Mac World events.  The speculation and secrecy form a big magnet that draw people's attentions (and stock prices, but I'm not a AAPL holder), The release of their product creates the "Wow" factor, on the day of the event, NOT before that.

Imagine yourself attending a circus/magic show.  If someone tells you what magic will be performed by the magicians and how exactly they would do the trick by revealing all the secrets in the magicians' toolbox right before the show, would you still have the same amount of enthusiasm and excitement when you watch it?  How about knowing the final score before watching a soccer or basketball game? I know I would not.

People in general agree that revealing magician's trick is un-ethical, so I would argue that Gizmodo's release of the new iPhone is also unethical (and perhaps even not legal).  For the least, they should have put a "Spoiler Alert" on the title.  But they won't, of course - It's all about money.  They paid five grands for it, so they need to get it back and make more money and create more publicity.  Indeed, they have achieved the goal.  The traffic at their server was so high that they had to shut down the comment feature to maintain accessability.  Gizmodo has done the expense of stealing thunder from Steve Jobs in two months and the excitement from some Apple fanboys.

The highly speculated and anticipated Apple product-announcement was suppose to be the biggest bang in 2010.  If what Gizmodo claimed was NOT the next iPhone when Apple announce it (which I kind of wish at this moment, although the possibility is small), Giz will become a loser in this game.  However, if the phone is what it is intended to be, instead of saying "we got a new iPhone for you" by Jobs, he would have to say "we're ready to put the prototype you saw a couple of months ago into mass production".  You see, that's NOT Apple.  That's not their game, not in the tech world anyways.

So this is where I'm disappointed.  Yes, I chose to see what the next iPhone look like. Now I kinda wish I didn't make that choice.  I like to watch the show from Apple, from Jobs, without knowing what would be unwrapped during the show.  I wonder if someone else shares the same opinion as I do, or am I the only person in this world that wants to stop reading more news about the upcoming iPhone?

How many iPhone Apple Sold in China in Six Months - How about 2 Million?

Here is an interesting article reflecting the dynamic of the Chinese market (the same market that took over the U.S. as the No.1. market for the auto industry) - Apple's revenue in Greater China (that is, Mainland China + Hong Kong + Taiwan) for the 1st half of the fiscal year (six month period) was about $1.3 billion, according to Apple's own COO Cook.

At a retail price of ~$622 per unit, that's more than 2 million units of iPhone sold.

Given that China has about 1.3 billion people, even there is only a small fraction of rich people can afford a luxury consumer product like the iPhone, the number of total units sold is quite impressive.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Strange weather in Northern California this year

I thought the weather in Northern California would be nice and warm by this time of the year. 

Former Microsoft executive Tim Chen rumored to head Google's Greater China operation

DigiTimes reports that Microsoft's former CEO for Microsoft Greater China Region will get a new work badge at Google and lead Google's Great China operation (which became a controversial failure lately).

This is interesting because in July 2005, when Kai-Fu Lee, another former Microsoft Vice President left the company for Google, he was sued by Gates and Ballmer.  Will Microsoft sue Google and Tim Chen and repeat what they did a few years ago, or will Microsoft let Tim go rather quietly?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Inside Apple's automatic graphics switching

Ars Technica just posted a blog that explains how Apple's OS controls the graphics switching for prolonging the battery life of the new Macbook Pro.

Apple is Apple. Their pursue for perfection and attention-to-deal is to the level of desperation.  I give lots of respect to the quality of their product, their innovation and their design execution.  Most companies/people will satisfy to the level of "good enough", and that's the difference between a product that charges for >60% GM and a product that survives at 20% GM.

Sometimes when the marketing department writes an excellent Marketing Requirement, the engineers give the finger and claim that's "mission impossible".  At other times, a poor marketing strategy or product definition causes a disastrous failure, regardless how good the engineering execution was done.  Writing a good product definition/strategy, completing a good engineering execution of the implementation, beating every other competitor by at least several months on product release, and making lots of money - Apple's success recipe is easily said, but few company comes to the comparable level.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MJ Imitation Gone Bad


开心网看到的, 分享一下. 不论是谁写的, 真能忽悠!




最蹊跷的便是红孩儿和菩萨相遇的情形。当孙悟空请来观音菩萨时,红孩儿说:"泼猴头,错认了我也!你把我圣婴当作什么人?" 说罢便举枪猛刺,最终还是菩萨用如来给的金箍收服了他。当然,红孩儿的法力绝对不可能比观音菩萨更强大,可是他却根本不把观音菩萨这样一个佛界高层放在眼里。红孩儿最终被菩萨收编之后非但没受任何处罚,相反"不降反升"从一个占山为王的妖怪变成一个有编制的神仙(观音菩萨的善财童子,相当于高管的个人助理),这就引出一个疑问:红孩儿究竟仗着谁的势力才能如此嚣张,获得这样的待遇?












Landing a Boeing on Highway..with the help of a Grand Cherokee

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Monday, April 05, 2010


这几天发现我不能在新浪发博了. 一开始以为是浏览器的问题, 因为每次打开都发现说页面的HTML有错误. 后来试验了几个不同的, IE, Firefox和Chrome,问题都一样. 


但我相信, 中国的互联网是开放的.