Thursday, September 17, 2009


1. 不近视的人看到的是爱因斯坦;
2. 近视的人看到的是玛丽莲梦露;
3. 不近视的人把眼睛眯起来也可以看到玛丽莲梦露
4. 近视的人戴眼镜看是爱因斯坦, 取下眼镜看到的是玛丽莲梦露


闲着无聊, 看到一份转贴. 看看你的手上一共有几个斗

零  【直率,与人为善,埋头苦干,脚踏实地,不善于耍花样。运气中。爱一个人很爱,恨一 个人很恨】

壹 【坚定,心理素质好,是做大事的材料。但有时一意孤行,容易遭受挫折,不过,失败之后总能东山再起】。

贰  【性情温和或者开朗,好奇心强,人际关系良好。有时缺乏远见。在坎坷之时有贵人相助。 】

叁 【头脑聪明,做事努力,多为中层领导。属全能潜质,感性理性搭配适当,少见指纹,运气极好】

肆  【表面明朗,内心孤独。以个人为中心,完美主义者。爱情多波折。 低调,有才有貌,深受周围人喜欢。】

伍  【个性强,对现状永不满足,因此很多事不如意。善良,更多为别人着想。温顺,耐力好。运气中上。】

陆 【有野心,喜欢想入非非。少时不顺,青年之后好运一路飙升,令周围人羡慕。故乡之外为理想发展地。】

柒 【内向型,脾气不太好。为了自己的目标能够持之以恒。未来功成名就,不过不适合做王,只适合做相。】

捌  【看似平和,实则挑剔。时而快乐时而忧郁。自尊心强,有志气。性格双重。和周围人比起来,运气总是不佳】

玖 【热情,积极,理解力超强,善于变通,有活动能力,富于同情心。理想远大,与现实距离较远。】

拾  【善良、固执,外表坚强,内心柔弱。多在艺术上有成就。运气中上。厚情薄命,情痴型。】

Thursday, September 10, 2009

University of Waterloo is Getting a New Logo - BAD TASTE

University of Waterloo is trying to create a marketing logo.

For all the money, time and resource they spend, well, they came up with these three choices.  I really don't like any "new" logo for the University of Waterloo, not to mention that these "available" choices all look like crap - Just read people's feedbacks on Facebook.  UW is always recognized for been great at Computer Science and Engineering.  It's obvious that it's not good at arts.  As for me:

1. I think a Logo has a huge intangible value.  It's built with time and reputation.  Great companies (e.g. Coca Cola, Audi, GE, etc.) "tweak" their logo over time, but they never change them or create new ones to show "innovation".  I believe great companies and product make people remember their logo or trademarks instead of the other way around - creating fancy logos and make people come to them or buy their products.

2. Personally, UW's logo has emotional attachment.  I spent 5 valuable years of my life there (well, technically about 3 years since I did co-op that was out of UW).  People don't see great Ivy League schools change their logo - Princeton, Harvard, Standford, MIT, etc. - their logos remain unchanged for as long as the schools were founded.

A video introduction on the logo actually says "Waterloo's outstanding faculty, staff, students, alumni, and partners drive our success – not the design of a logo."  Well, given that UW understand it, why they have to create new logos that look total crap?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

American Auto Industry Breakdown

I saw this great chart from The Big Picture.

Click it for larger resolution.










Wednesday, September 02, 2009


坐Southwest的飞机从San Jose飞Seattle, 在候机的时候听广播说我的航班有所谓的"Oversell"的问题, 就是准备登机的旅客比飞机的座位多. 广播说志愿的旅客可以安排转飞Las Vegas, 然后下午六点会到Seattle, 并且获得两百刀的奖�和回程机票.

虽然优惠政策多多, 但还真是差点被雷死 - 怎么飞机票卖得比座位多? 倒不如让没座的人象挤公共汽车那样站着飞.

没办法, 我和同事越约好到了Seattle一起租车的, 今天LZ没空去Las Vegas走一遭咯.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Is This A Good Example of A Typical Silicon Valley Company's Parking Lot?

This is perhaps not something people see everyday, but perhaps it's a good example of a typical Silicon Valley company's parking lot.

Note - these are brand new convertible BMW M3's!