Wednesday, September 24, 2008

怎样防止航天机密泄露 - 要时刻提醒

"神七"航天城超猛标语: "窃密必被抓,抓住就杀头"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Update 2 - Microsoft's new Wireless "Blue Track" Explorer Mini Mouse Tear Down

Following up with my previous update on Microsoft's new Wireless "Blue Track" Explorer Mini Mouse, and Maximum PC's interview with Microsoft's Platform Engineering Manager, FCC reviewed the tear down pictures of this mouse with more details.

Here are the pictures and click on them to see the full size:

Unfortunately, the sensor portion was not fully exposed to see the new Blue LED structure in details.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Update - Microsoft's new Wireless "Blue Track" Explorer Mini Mouse

Finally, Microsoft's secretive "Blue Trek" mouse was revealed today.

I published my findings on the mice a few days ago, without understanding how it worked.  Luckily, Maximum PC had an interview with Mark DePue, Platform Engineering Manager from the Hardware Group of Microsoft and discussed the features and the system of this design.

I couldn't wait to buy one and test it out.

Monday, September 08, 2008

9月9日 - 从旧金山飞台北的小插曲

坐了很多次飞机, 第一次遇到因乘客身体不适而发生紧急状况的事情.


从旧金山飞台北, 我坐在紧急出口后的第一排. 朦胧中醒来, 发现一位阿妈坐在地板上, 两个机组人员正在扶着她. 感觉好象是刚从洗手间出来就晕倒了.  也偏偏是因为我坐的位置, 紧急出口旁有一定的空间施展, 整个抢救过程就发生在我眼前.


乘务员请来了飞机上的一位当医生的旅客, 先是讯问病情, 然后测血压, 又输氧. 后来才慢慢了解到这为阿妈原来患有高血压. 吃了飞机上的饭后又吃了降压药, 后来就觉得头晕, 才发生的这件事.


当时飞机已经完成了大半路程, 正在日本上空, 乘务员还考虑是不是要在日本东京的成田机场降落然后送病人去当地医院. 后来好象那位阿妈的病情有所好转, 所以还是坚持飞到台北. 不过为了安全起见, 病人不能躺在紧急出口旁边的地板上, 所以乘务员和几个人又要用毯子把阿妈抖起来送在一个横排的座椅上去躺. 由于我坐的近, 又是男生, 所以我也被叫去帮忙.  这一切持续了一个多小时, 我后来的睡意全无.  后来乘务长为了答谢我的帮忙, 还送了我两瓶酒 ( 一瓶红酒, 一瓶香缤) 外带长荣航空的洗漱包 都是平时在飞机上做免税商品用的. 我本来想跟她说 "东北人都是活雷峰", 不过台湾人应该不知道这句话的幽默和含意, 还是感谢地收下了赠品.


后来飞机落地, 地面的地勤和医务人员上了飞机, 还要打开我旁边的紧急仓门把阿妈抬下去. 我本来想坐了这么多年的飞机还没有看到紧急出口打开的样子, 想留下来看看. 后来想自己上午还要去公司办事, 另外还是不要填乱, 就乖乖地下飞机了.


整个事情总结起来, 我觉得是给坐飞机的旅客一个提醒. 尤其身体状况不好的, 比如心脏病, /低血压, 等等, 千万要注意. 国际航班和短程的航线相比, 其实用的都是又大又舒适的飞机, 可是由于路程遥远, 飞机飞行时噪音的干扰, 登机前几天的劳累, 另外再加上飞机里面干燥脱水, 就更容易让身体产生问题.  本人在过去几年经常出远差, 也攒了一些经验. 等我有空时写出来给大家分享自己出门在外的常识和经验.


不知道那位阿妈的状况怎么样, 希望她和她的家人一切都好.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Paris Preview: Officially Official, Honda's new hybrid is the Insight!


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via Autoblog by Sam Abuelsamid on 9/4/08

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Click the Insight concept for a high res gallery

Honda is reviving an old name for its new Global Hybrid that goes on sale next spring. The new five door hatchback "Prius Killer" will be the most direct competitor yet for Toyota's iconic hybrid. Learning from the lesson that hybrid buyers apparently prefer their cars to be recognizable as such rather than being derivatives of existing models, Honda has modeled the new Insight after its low volume FCX Clarity fuel cell car. Honda will be debuting the new Insight as a concept at the Paris Motor Show next month before it goes on sale as the least expensive hybrid in the world in 2009. Recent comments have Honda have hinted at a price starting at $18,500 for the Insight which goes on sale 10 years after the original. Unlike the tiny two seater which had limited appeal and utility, this new one is expected to appeal to a much wider audience. Honda is planning for worldwide sales of 200,000 units a year with 100,000 going to the US market.

[Source: Honda]

Continue reading Paris Preview: Officially Official, Honda's new hybrid is the Insight!


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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

胡彦斌 - 潇湘雨

这两天忽然发现胡彦斌的歌, 觉得他声音很好听. 应该说是大陆难得的有港台风味的歌手 (读起来好蹩口). LP竟然笑我胡彦斌已经在大陆出现好几年了, 而我却都不知道.

<<潇湘雨>>的歌词不错. "似水柔情"简单几个字, 只有体会过的人才知道, "那瞬间, 足够用一生去回忆"...








Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google Chrome Does Not Have Toolbar!

I just downloaded and installed the new Google Internet Browser, Chrome .  It's cool, it's simple, it's practical, it's has all the basic and fundamental things I need from a good browser except one thing, it does not have Google Toolbar!

I was a little surprised when I realized it.  I am a big Mozilla fan, and Google Toolbar is always its companion, I need Google Toolbar's shortcut buttons, search field and other cool stuff.

Question for Google - When will there be a Google Toolbar for Chrome?

The Best Contraptions In Burning Man History [Burning Man]


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via Gizmodo by Jesus Diaz on 9/2/08

Writer, photographer, and baking expert Robyn Johnson, from Matador Nights, has put together an spectacular image collection of some of the coolest installations in the history of Burning Man, where technology, robotics, pyrotechnics, and architecture are put together to form often beautiful, sometimes repugnant, but always fascinating surreal landscapes.

[Matador Nights]


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Monday, September 01, 2008

Google Chrome 浏览器明日发布,对抗IE8


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via Engadget 瘾科技 by Bin Chen on 9/1/08



官方描述:从外观即可看出,Google Chrome的设计简单、高效,是一款真正的Web浏览工具。与谷歌主页一样,Google Chrome的特点是简洁、快速。Google Chrome支持多标签浏览,每个标签页面都在独立的"沙箱"内运行,在提高安全性的同时,一个标签页面的崩溃也不会导致其他标签页面被关闭。Google Chrome基于更强大的JavaScript V8引擎,这是当前Web浏览器所无法实现的。

明天,谷歌将在全球100多个国家推出Google Chrome测试版。

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